Due to request, deadline extended to January 31, 2025 (firm deadline)
6th MFI5.0 Workshop accepted for NOMS 2025
The transition from ISA-95 to RAMI4.0/IIRA based automation for production automation in Industry 4.0 is ongoing. This includes the integration of legacy OT with emerging IT technologies. Another aspect is automation/digitalization across value networks involving a multitude of stakeholders in complex relationships. Consequently, Management for Industry 5.0 covers three thematic themes: (1) connectivity, infrastructure, and security (2) the autonomous evolution and challenges of System of System (SoS) in cyber-physical systems (CPS), and (3) the human in the loop.
The recent developments of communications technology show a strong involvement of wireless communications even on the factory floor. This brings new requirements to integrate wireless and also cellular technology, in particular 5G/6G and their resilience, into both OT and IT communication. Moreover, these technologies open a new class of management with more flexibility and challenge traditional industrial communication concepts including security aspects. Consequently, other fields like agriculture or logistics can benefit from the same strategies applied to industry 5.0 if not already seen as part of I5.0. Requirements such as privacy, dependability, or trustworthiness are key enablers of service- and data-driven automation, also and to some extent specifically in other production domains which facilitate electronic components and systems e.g., digitalization in production of food or other goods.
The formation of such large to very large System of Systems (SoS) is foreseen. Such SoS will involve technologies like e.g., IoT, AI, Analytics, Big data, NLP, LLM, and legacy technology. This technology will be distributed across multiple stakeholders with complex relationships. All in all, aiming for efficient production of products or services. The inclusion of human actors in complex production contexts is crucial for the success and impact of these production systems in the real world. Trust in autonomous systems, acceptance of human-robot collaboration, competence development, training and knowledge management are among the challenges that Management for Industry 5.0 is facing. This includes explainable AI in production contexts and workplace integrated learning in the smart factory.
Architectures like RAMI4.0 and IIRA have been presented but are still in the early stages. Implementation platforms and frameworks are in the early stages as well. Even less maturity is seen regarding engineering and management of such complex automation and digitalization solutions, which consider dependencies across all levels of abstraction. Such architectures and above technology will be used to automatically or autonomically control digitalized production infrastructures. Autonomous decisions require trustworthy and reliable data, operations, and decisions. However, trust related to e.g. industrial AI may mean different things depending on the type of stakeholder it concerns and will also require the consideration of management and organizational aspects, such as Technology and Organizational Adaptation, following multiple inputs from research in the area of Technology Acceptance. Aspects of this can also affect re-organization of the organization involved.
To become successful in real world production of goods and service technology and stakeholder integration will need structured training, engineering and management. To address this also in the setup of the workshop several key-note speeches on the topic are planned and close cooperation with various projects and stakeholders like the INSIDE Industry Association.
Authors are invited to submit original contributions written in English that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Technical papers must be formatted using the IEEE 2-column format and not exceed 6 pages (including references), papers exceeding the limit will be rejected. We also appreciate position papers (4 pages, including references). All papers should be submitted through JEMS
Honorary Chair: Jerker Delsing, Lulea University of Technology, Lulea Sweden
Organizing Chair: Markus Tauber, Researchstudio Austria FG, , Austria
Technical Program Chair (TPC): Hans-Peter Bernhard, Silicon Austria Labs and JKU Linz, Austria
TPC co chair Robert Harrison, Warwick University, UK
TPC co chair Martin Wollschlaeger, TU Dresden, Germany
TPC co chair Juergen Jasperneite, IOSB-INA and Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Germany
TPC co chair Matthias Hemmje, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany
TPC co chair Nicholas Race, Lancaster University, UK
TPC co chair R. Venkatesha Prasad, TU Delft, NL
markus.tauber@researchstudio.at, hans-peter.bernhard@silicon-austria.com